Turn Your Wastewater into a Resource
As more and more water-intensive industries seek solutions that can help them meet their ESG goals, they are looking to Aquacycl for onsite water reuse in their plans to achieve zero liquid discharge, or ZLD.
Our solution lies within your wastewater. With our onsite wastewater treatment system, we can help you recover the water that would otherwise be wasted. By shifting our point of view from waste to resource, Aquacycl has found intrinsic value in the water flowing through your pipes.
With ZLD, recycled water can be reused in a variety of ways throughout your operations, including heating and cooling, cleaning and sanitation, and irrigation. Aquacycl’s BETT system removes the bulk of organics in wastewater in a low-energy and low-cost way. We partner with complementary technologies that can help you enable the reuse of your treated wastewater.

What People Are Saying About Us

Pepsi Beverages North America
Former Vice President Engineering
“I would certainly recommend Aquacycl, my experience with them has been very positive”

Manufacturing Leader
“One other cool thing about them being electrogenic — you can hook up probes to their computer and they can actually, from down in San Diego, remotely monitor each cell and tell you how healthy the bug colonies are in each cell because they’re releasing these electrons as they eat sugar,”

Fast Company
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“On average, the system at the Pepsi plant is eliminating 110 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per month. It also saves the company money because its bills from the utility have dropped.”
Exceed Your Water Goals with Aquacycl’s Onsite Water Reuse Solution
Achieve ESG goals
Aquacycl can help your operation improve your corporate water stewardship and achieve minimum or zero liquid discharge, while maintaining low GHG emissions.
Reduce Water Usage
Reduce your company’s water usage by treating wastewater with the BETT system and enabling reuse of that water for a range of applications.
Turn Wastewater into a Resource
Improve the quality of treated wastewater for water reuse in a variety of applications by utilizing Aquacycl’s BETT technology.
Reduce GHG Emissions
Mitigate 90% of the GHG emissions from wastewater treatment by enabling onsite treatment of high-strength wastewater with BETT.
Cut Operating Costs
Leveraging the power of the BETT system for onsite wastewater treatment and water reuse reduces the energy consumption and cost needed for each treatment.
Get Expert Support
Your Aquacycl team are experts in state-of-the-art wastewater management. We can work with you to design a cost-efficient water reuse system.