Why Your Role in the WASH Initiative Matters
Billions of people around the world have no access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), making it a priority for human rights across the globe.
Aquacycl was founded with a mission of Sanitation for All and continues to work toward our north star of bringing affordable, safe, off-sewer and off-energy grid sanitation. We provide modular, containerized sanitation for rural communities without infrastructure, refugee camps, and other areas that lack WASH access. And our Buy One, Gift One program provides corporate partners with additional onsite treatment systems at cost that they can provide to the communities in which they operate.

What People Are Saying About Us

Pepsi Beverages North America
Former Vice President Engineering
“I would certainly recommend Aquacycl, my experience with them has been very positive”

Manufacturing Leader
“One other cool thing about them being electrogenic — you can hook up probes to their computer and they can actually, from down in San Diego, remotely monitor each cell and tell you how healthy the bug colonies are in each cell because they’re releasing these electrons as they eat sugar,”

Fast Company
Read More
“On average, the system at the Pepsi plant is eliminating 110 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per month. It also saves the company money because its bills from the utility have dropped.”
When You Partner with Aquacycl to Advance WASH Initiatives You’ll:
Deploy Systems Quickly
Fast deployment of the Aquacycl wastewater treatment system makes it possible to respond quickly to meet the needs of refugee or disaster relief areas.
Close the Gap on Sanitation
Build the future of sanitation, with distributed off-sewer and off-energy grid systems that close the gap on sanitation without adding GHG emissions.
Build for Resilience
Distributed, point source treatment helps communities to build for resilience by putting systems where they are needed and alleviating the pressure on aging infrastructure.
Meet Your Unique Needs
Implement our BETT system in configurations that meet the special onsite sanitation and water reuse needs of communities to help advance the WASH initiative.
Improve Water Quality
Improve the wastewater discharge quality in areas that are currently releasing untreated water to water bodies.
Reduce GHG Emissions
Build for the future using modern technology that requires a fraction of energy (and resulting GHG emissions) compared to traditional infrastructure.
Get Expert Support
We’re experts in state-of-the-art wastewater management. We supply all treatment technology and equipment, remote monitoring and control, and any necessary maintenance.