The Need for Distributed Sanitation
Over 2 billion people lack access to safe and reliable sanitation today – in fact, more people have a cell phone than a toilet. Furthermore, climate change is making intense weather events more likely and more frequent, necessitating the incorporation of redundancy into existing infrastructure. In addition to these pressing concerns, a staggering 80% of wastewater is discharged into the environment without proper treatment, causing significant environmental damage and posing severe threats to human health.
Highly industrialized and densely populated areas have traditionally relied on centralized plants to handle the treatment and disposal of wastewater. However, growing pressures on water resources due to increasing global populations have sparked a growing interest in decentralized systems as a viable alternative. Decentralized or distributed wastewater treatment close to where wastewater is generated can provide a cost-effective solution for industrial operations, as well as rural or remote residential communities looking to avoid the cost of establishing a new wastewater treatment plant.
Aquacycl provides the only modular wastewater treatment system for decentralized wastewater treatment that produces direct electricity without methane, eliminates sludge, and enables water reuse with minimal operating expense.

What Aquacycl Can Do for You
Cost Savings
Say goodbye to hauling fees, high energy bills and unexpected sewer surcharges with our revolutionary BETT solution.
Compliance Guarantee
Never worry about compliance again. We guarantee permit compliance so you can discharge direct from our system.
Lower GHG Emissions
than alternative technologies. Minimize Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions from wastewater treatment.
Aquacycl’s Distributed Sanitation Solution Helps You:
Build for Resilience
Build redundancy into existing infrastructure to reduce risks related to extreme weather events and aging infrastructure.
Reduce Untreated Wastewater Discharge
Close the gap on the 80% of untreated wastewater. Whether industrial or sanitation, BETT’s distributed wastewater treatment helps to clean up polluted wastewater at the source.
Extend Existing Infrastructure Life
Build treatment at point source pollution sites to treat highly concentrated streams, which reduces the burden on centralized treatment infrastructure.
Reduce GHG Emissions
Increase sanitation without adding GHG emissions with Aquacycl’s off-sewer and off-energy grid treatment. Relative to other technologies, we can reduce 50-90% of GHG emissions.
Reduce Capital Expenditures
Bring treatment to precisely where it’s needed—with much lower capital and operating costs—by leveraging the power of the BETT system for distributed wastewater treatment.
Rapidly Deploy Sanitation
Deploy modular, containerized sanitation solutions in areas like refugee camps or disaster relief sites with limited or damaged infrastructure.