Current PepsiCo Installations

PepsiCo Bottling Plant – Fresno, CA
BETT system onsite for increased BOD removal by treatment of batch room CIP first rinses, crusher process water and bad batches.
See results here
PepsiCo Bottling Plant – Las Vegas, NV
Micro Aeration Unit onsite for H2S removal and odor control for cost-effective risk reduction.
Learn about the Micro Aeration UnitProjects in Development
What People Are Saying About Us

Pepsi Beverages North America
Former Vice President Engineering
“I would certainly recommend Aquacycl, my experience with them has been very positive”

Manufacturing Leader
“One other cool thing about them being electrogenic — you can hook up probes to their computer and they can actually, from down in San Diego, remotely monitor each cell and tell you how healthy the bug colonies are in each cell because they’re releasing these electrons as they eat sugar,”

Fast Company
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“On average, the system at the Pepsi plant is eliminating 110 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per month. It also saves the company money because its bills from the utility have dropped.”