The Importance of Watershed Protection in Creating Lasting Change
Untreated wastewater, a byproduct of today’s production processes, results in significant downstream effects in the water basin that can negatively impact water users in the surrounding ecosystem. Industrial organizations working to increase watershed protection by increasing the availability of fresh water and reducing environmental concerns have sought solutions that can improve their wastewater treatment.
At Aquacycl, we help corporations provide watershed protection for the communities they serve through onsite, distributed wastewater treatment. By providing a high level of treatment that allows organizations to discharge the best possible water without contaminants, we ensure that the watershed and surrounding ecosystem are protected. Join us in building a more sustainable future.

What People Are Saying About Us

Pepsi Beverages North America
Former Vice President Engineering
“I would certainly recommend Aquacycl, my experience with them has been very positive”

Manufacturing Leader
“One other cool thing about them being electrogenic — you can hook up probes to their computer and they can actually, from down in San Diego, remotely monitor each cell and tell you how healthy the bug colonies are in each cell because they’re releasing these electrons as they eat sugar,”

Fast Company
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“On average, the system at the Pepsi plant is eliminating 110 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per month. It also saves the company money because its bills from the utility have dropped.”
By Partnering with Aquacycl for Watershed Protection You Will:
Support Your Community
Improve the quality of water you discharge and return water to the supply for use by your community members.
Play a Role in Collaborative Action
Partner with us to make impactful improvements to the water basin. Watershed protection requires collaboration to drive meaningful change.
Understand Your Contribution to Basin Health
Monitor the impact of your wastewater treatment with the support of beyond-the-fenceline goals and monitoring by Aquacycl.
Reduce Water Usage
Enable water reuse and reduce the demand on the watershed to remove the bulk of organics in your wastewater, while providing watershed protection.
Ensure Permit Compliance
Alleviate compliance concerns. We guarantee permit compliance so you can discharge directly from our system worry-free.
Get Expert Support
We’re here to support your water stewardship objectives. Whether improving water quality or implementing onsite water reuse, we can help you meet your goals.
Reduce GHG Emissions
Reduce 90% of GHG emissions and meet your Scope 1, 2, and 3 goals by reducing the carbon within your wastewater.